
What to do?

I am really opposed to all of the superfluous data associated with this blog. I realized this when updating my template to match my site better. I had to type in the midst of what seems like an entirely new language Google has developed specifically for blogs. I have a much easier time on my site by just copying the previous story div element, advancing the date, and writing my new item. Even if it does take slightly longer, the code is so much cleaner, and there is so much more I can do with it. I just added a rudimentary category system using class properties. If I add pagination and a little form for myself, I'll have my own perfect CMS. Even more ideal and possibly even easier, I could use an existing "News" sub-forum to feed onto the home page.

The problem is, blogger is such a link magnet, what with it pinging the world every time you post. Well, maybe I'll keep this around for useless crap and anything noteworthy will be at the site.

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