
custom domain possibilities for Vortices

AppJet just added the option to use custom domains. I am cheap, so I will just use sub-domains
of vezquex.com. I want to have two for Vortices. The full one, vortices.vezquex.com, and the short one, v.vezquex.com.

I went into my domain registrar's control panel and pointed vortices.vezquex.com to 589766781.hosted.engine.appjet.net with a CNAME record, as per AppJet's instructions from the publishing tab of the IDE. So that domain should be working within a day or two.

Now the interesting part is the second sub-domain. One approach is to do the same for v.vezquex.com. Another may be to alias or redirect v.vezquex.com to vortices.vezquex.com. Theoretically, these seem equally valid, but I don't know for sure.

I'm trying the former approach to start.

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